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Brain Function

Brain Defenetions
Brain function, as well as other organs composed of different parts. Each part has a different function. The human brain consists of three main parts. Let us look more closely to each section. The parts in question are the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and the medulla oblongata.
The brain is the center of the nervous system which is in charge of controlling all human movements. The volume of the human brain ranges from 1,350 cc and has 100 million nerve cells or neurons in it to support its functions.

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Besides being the most important organ, the brain is also the most complex organ in the body. If the brain dies and does not work, then all the nerves in the human body also do not work, the result is that humans will die. That is because all the nerves in the human body will also die.
Right Brain and Left Brain Function
The right brain has a connection with one's creativity and artistic abilities. An artist and creativity actor will use a lot of his right hemisphere's abilities compared to the left brain. And this right cerebral hemisphere functions to control the left side of the body.
left hemisphere function is related to things that use definite logic and thinking. Like for example a physicist, a chemist, a mathematician will use his left brain a lot to help them think. While the left hemisphere of the brain serves to control the right side of the body.

Parts of Brain Function

The cerebrum (large brain) is part of the brain that controls thought, reason, and the senses. most of what you see is the cerebrum. The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain. This section has the folds. The cerebrum has several functions. One of its functions is to store the message. Normally this function is called memory. The cerebrum receives messages from all sensory organs, for example, which may be interpreted as the sound of music, laughter, or the sound of a whistle. Vision may be interpreted as a bright flower colors or dark clouds. 
The cerebrum is also the center of muscle control. Message to the movement of the hands and feet starting from the cerebrum. Book of pain or touch ended in the cerebrum. The cerebrum also controls personality. Some of the functions of the cerebrum are aware. Aware of means can be controlled. For example, you decide to move your feet, then you do it. The cerebrum is divided into left and right hemispheres. The right side of the cerebrum controls the left and right side of the body. The left side of the cerebrum controls the right side of the body.

(Cerebellum) that is the part of the brain that helps you move gentle and suppress not like a robot. How does the cerebellum compare to the cerebrum? Which is the cerebellum is located, are you in front of or behind your head? All of the nerves that enter and leave the brain originating from the muscles send messages to the cerebellum. Cerebellum help you to stay balanced. The work of the cerebellum is unconscious, which means you can not

The third part of the brain is the medulla oblongata. The Medulla oblongata seems to be similar to the spinal cord, but function very differently. Medulla oblongata is the part of the brain that controls heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure. All work is handled by the medulla oblongata is outside of consciousness. Work medulla oblong does not require you to think first. Good summary article on Brain Function material can be from the visitors who visit this blog thank you.

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Brain Trunk and Limbic System
Brain Trunk
The brainstem is inside the skull or the base of the head and extends to the spine or spinal cord. This part of the brain regulates basic human functions including breathing, heart rate, regulates body temperature, regulates the digestive process, and is a basic human instinct source of fight or flight when the danger comes.
Limbic System
The most important part of the limbic system is the hypothalamus, where one of its functions is to decide what needs attention and what is not necessary. This can be seen when loving or hating someone.

The limbic system stores a lot of information that is not touched by the senses. This limbic system is commonly referred to as the emotional brain or the place of love and honesty.

The limbic system is located in the center of the brain, and wraps the brain stem. This part of the brain is also owned by mammals so it is often called the mammalian brain. The limbic system functions to produce feelings, regulate hormone production, thirst, hunger, the center of pleasure, metabolism, also long-term memory and sex drive.

So that's some part and function of the brain that must be known. Now you know that the brain does not only function to think. But brain function also includes things that are done in daily activities.

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